Rounding of the week purposeful and strong

We cooked 84 Meals today and reached 18 families with food packs containing packed cooked food and essentials.

The packs include tinned essentials, fruit, bread, milk, tea, sugar, snacks, drinks and more

Thank you 🙏🏽

And to our volunteers and the wider team silently behind the scenes doing good things, delivering and answering the calls for help and so much more

We are thankful

To all the businesses and individuals who have powered this mission this far, you have demonstrated the power of collective work and support. We have not had a single donation from any major stores or shop, not government funding or stipends. This is all you Lutonians

You absolutely rock

Thank you Luton

To someone or ask for help for yourself or someone else and or donate securely (and anonymously if you prefer) to our fund raiser please use the links on our website

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